Make a Donation

The Louis and Anne Green Memory and Wellness Center is a self-sustaining entity of the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. Many of the programs and services outlined on this website are not covered by insurance; therefore, patients and family caregivers must pay on a fee-for-service basis. While it is our intention to provide state-of-the-art services, we also intend to make the services broadly accessible. Your tax-deductible contributions are appreciated and provide support in the following areas:

• Memory and Wellness Center’s greatest needs

• Family/Caregiver services and programs

• Adult Day Care Program (art, yoga, music, and others)

• Subsidy assistance for participation in our Adult Day Care Program

• Subsidy assistance for driving evaluations

• Building improvements

• Community outreach and education

• Building improvements

• Research

• Student Learning Experiences

Also, our staff will be happy to discuss an idea for contributions that you have developed that focuses on what matters most to you.

You can visit our online FAU Foundation Pledge Page here to make a donation directly or, checks are accepted as well. Please make checks payable to:

FAU Foundation
Memo: Memory and Wellness Center

Mail to:
Louis and Anne Green Memory and Wellness Center
777 Glades Road, Bldg. AZ-79
Boca Raton, FL 33431